Numerical and experimental stufy of composite ceramic armor resistance when exposed to high-speed bullets and fragments

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+7(495)223-05-23 ext. 1507, The article presents the results of calculation and experimental study of a composite ceramic armor resistance when exposed to high-speed bullets and fragments. Based on the analysis of the experiments the authors refined a finite-element model, which allowed to make multiple calculations of various structural designs of armor in order to choose the most rational. Authors show influence of geometrical parameters of a ceramic element on the strength of armor.

About the authors

N. A Kulakov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


A. N Lyubin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


A. S Skakbaeva

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


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  5. Заявка № 2011139666/11 от 30.09.2011 на изобретение “Композитная броня с облицовочным слоем”. Авторы: Кулаков Н.А., Любин А.Н.
  6. Заявка № 2011139667/11 от 30.09.2011 на изобретение “Комбинированная композитная броня”. Авторы: Кулаков Н.А., Любин А.Н.

Copyright (c) 2012 Kulakov N.A., Lyubin A.N., Skakbaeva A.S.

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