Modern methods of hollow metal microsphere manufacture

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The energy and resource economy are for many countries the key words in there live, which, in case of science, is the intelligence resource application, define the further way of development of technologies. The present paper reveals one of the energy efficient ways of science investigation in light construction of materials. The small hollow spheres made from different materials could change the weight of a construction part essentially, used as acoustic and thermal insulation and also as protection against vibrations and energy, induced by plastic deformation of material. They can be used as a unit cell for big parts and alone filled with an inert gas, e.g. fusion targets. The methods of their production could be divided in chemical, powder and metallurgical. The metallurgical method requires the intelligence application, because it is based on the own properties of the materials and boundary conditions of the process, not involving any organically core and preparation of the powder.

About the authors

M. A Petrov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


Y. L Bast

Freiberg University of Mining and Technology; Freiberg University of Mining and Technology

Dr. Eng., Prof.

P. A Petrov

Freiberg University of Mining and Technology; Freiberg University of Mining and Technology


A. A Sheypak

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI); Moscow State Industrial University

Dr. Eng., Prof.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Petrov M.A., Bast Y.L., Petrov P.A., Sheypak A.A.

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