Features of the process of formation of the professional qualification requirements of small and medium business

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The peculiarities of formation and evolution of the core competence of small and medium-sized businesses are considered in the article. "Strategic groups" of training programs for small and medium-sized businesses are defined in accordance with the professional qualification requirements, the use of which provides internationalization training system for small and medium businesses, due to the innovative development of the national economy.

About the authors

A. N Khighniak

Moscow state region social - humanitarian institute

Email: kafedramim@yandex.ru. zh_leonova@mail.ru
Dr.Sc., Prof.

G. K Leonova

Moscow state region social - humanitarian institute

Email: kafedramim@yandex.ru. zh_leonova@mail.ru


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Copyright (c) 2013 Khighniak A.N., Leonova G.K.

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