The formation of educational territorial spaces within a cluster scenario of economic development

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Nowadays Russia has quite definite aims, which include the creation of a new model of spatial economic development. Inconsistency between the professional training system with higher education and the needs of industry and regional labor markets do not lead to a demand of some graduates. The article deals with the interaction of the participants of educational territorial spaces within regional clusters. There are offered some basic ways of adapting universities to modern requirements of industrial enterprises.

About the authors

A. N Khizhniak

Moscow state region social - humanitarian institute

Dr.Sc., Prof.; +7 496 610-15-21

I. E Svetlov

Moscow state region social - humanitarian institute

Ph.D. ; +7 496 610-15-21


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Copyright (c) 2013 Khizhniak A.N., Svetlov I.E.

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