Development of CAD subsystem manufacturing processes of jewelry

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The article contains elaborate algorithms and techniques of the design process sheet, flat-and-edge rolling and drawing of long semi-finished products for the production of jewelry made of precious metals and their alloys. This paper describes the developed software, which allows one to calculate deformation modes and energy-power parameters of the designed processes with the visualization of the data in tabular and graphical form.It also describes the process of adaptation of the developed CAD systems for production conditions jewelry chains of gold 585 at JSC "The Gulidov Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant".

About the authors

S. B Sidel'nikov

Siberian Federal University

8 (391) 206-37-31

N. N Dovzhenko

Siberian Federal University

8 (391) 206-37-31

Ju. D Gajlis

Siberian Federal University

8 (391) 206-37-31

O. S Lebedeva

Siberian Federal University

8 (391) 206-37-31


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Copyright (c) 2013 Sidel'nikov S.B., Dovzhenko N.N., Gajlis J.D., Lebedeva O.S.

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