Horizontal counterblow hammer with hydraulic mass connection

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This article describes the design of the horizontal counterblow hammer and principle of its operation. The purpose of its development is to improve the timing accuracy of oncoming traffic impact of the masses. The result is the development of new design that combines hydraulic synchronization mechanism and a horizontal layout of the hammer

About the authors

A. G Kobelev

Moscow State Technological University “Stankin“

Email: dborgir@inbox.ru., shake69@bk.ru
8 (915) 236-56-94, 8 (910) 466-84-96

D. S Chashkin

Moscow State Technological University “Stankin“

Email: dborgir@inbox.ru., shake69@bk.ru
8 (915) 236-56-94, 8 (910) 466-84-96


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Copyright (c) 2013 Kobelev A.G., Chashkin D.S.

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