Cold extrusion with differentiated counter-pressure of die cavities

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The article describes the engineering method to obtain the correlation for the determination of stresses on the contact surfaces of the workpiece and the tool, the efforts of the extrusion of cavities by spherical die. It shows numerical simulations made ​​on computer simulation by the finite element method on examples of extrusion by spherical die of billets made of R6M5 (Р6М5) steel under the action of counter-pressure on the free surface of the workpiece. The paper contains the definition of the maximum counter-pressure through simulation that provides extrusion without destruction and the efforts of the processes, the distribution of stresses in the deforming tool and the stress-strain state, the degree of resource use of metal plasticity, as well as the final product dimensions. The article contains a description of the experiment on the extrusion billets of steel R6M5 (Р6М5) spherical die.

About the authors

V. L Kaljuzhnyj

National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'


V. V Pimanov

National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'



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