Thermo-mechanical processes

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The theory of thermo-mechanical processes, as an apparatus in the development of equations of state and thermodynamics of continuous media, includes all the main sections of the fundamental mechanics of deformable solids. The paper considers two aspects of the overall problem: 1) non-monotonic processes in visco-plastic flows; 2) panel flutter of viscoelastic plates. In the first case there is released a fundamentally new problem - the definition of the functional of contact friction and the construction of the theory of plasticity under complex loading of bodies with non-uniform initial stress-strain state. The solution is supposed to look by using the SN-EVM (CH-ЭВМ) method together with forming a data bank. In the second case there is risen the problem of definitive explaination of the well-known paradox of the definition of the critical parameters in the problem of flutter of viscoelastic plate. The article also addresses the issues of scientific ethics and morality; driving force behind this were the publications appeared in which subjective and biased historical facts relating to the development of the science of thermo-mechanical processes are interpreted subjective and interestedly.

About the authors

I. A Kiyko

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dr. Sc.


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