Fundamental scientific discovery «Garkunov-Kragelskiy effect of the absence of wear » as an innovative form of intensification of industrial technologies and the development of scientific and educational processes

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The article considers the innovative direction of self-organization contact processes in friction pairs based on regularization of surface microgeometry of interacting bodies and the application of modern special lubricants, implementing scientific discovery - «the effect of the absence of wear at friction». There were also mentioned the scientific-pedagogical problems for wide practical application of this new direction - «tribology on the basis of self-organization».

About the authors

A. O Polyakov

LLC “TONAR”, Pokrov, Vladimir region

+7 (926) 708-41-34, +7 (905) 723-86-87

N. Y Chikhacheva

School № 1, Pokrov, Vladimir region

+7 (926) 708-41-34, +7 (905) 723-86-87


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Copyright (c) 2014 Polyakov A.O., Chikhacheva N.Y.

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