Developing of analytical model for bevel cutting

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The work presents the results of the analysis of the bevel cutting as sufficiently general case of the cutting process. The analysis is made by power method with the use of extreme provisions of continuum mechanics. The cutting process is considered as the aggregate of two simultaneously occurring acts - chip formation and continuous formation of new surfaces. There are two such surfaces: the processed surface of a workpiece and the outer surface of the chip. In addition, this work contains the results of comparative calculations of cutting force made by the method of finite elements in the DEFORM-3D and results of experimental studies conducted in laboratory conditions.

About the authors

L. D Olenin

1Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr. Eng.

M. G Storchak

2Institute for Machine Tools of University of Stuttgart, Germany

Dr. Eng.; +49 (0) 71168583831

M. A Lekveischvili

1Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


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Copyright (c) 2014 Olenin L.D., Storchak M.G., Lekveischvili M.A.

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