Principles of selection of cutting technological mediums for metal cutting

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The article considers the principles of selection of cutting technological mediums for metal cutting. Rational use of effective cutting fluid is an important factor in improving of productivity and quality of metal working. Effect of cutting fluid depends on the rational choice of the specific conditions of the cutting, the predominant type of tool wear and tool and base material. In PJSC RPA “CNIITMASH” a complex of works on testing of a wide range of cutting fluids was carried out and recommendations for their use were developed

About the authors

M. E Kuscheva


Ph.D.; +7 495 675-85-05

D. N Klauch


Ph.D.; +7 495 675-85-05

O. A Kobelev


Dr. Eng.; +7 495 675-85-05


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Copyright (c) 2014 Kuscheva M.E., Klauch D.N., Kobelev O.A.

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