Piston workpieces produced by casting with crystallization under pressure

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The article presents the data on manufacture of workpieces of piston of internal combustion engines by casting with crystallization under pressure. There are considered the schemes of pressing and pressure effect on the quality of castings.

About the authors

A. I Batyshev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), Moscow

Dr.Eng.; +7-495-683-9972

K. A Batyshev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), Moscow

Email: konstbat@rambler.ru
Dr.Eng.; +7-495-683-9972

A. A Smolkin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), Moscow

Ph.D.; +7-495-683-9972

V. I Bezpalko

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), Moscow

Ph.D.; +7-495-683-9972


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  2. Производство отливок в автомобилестроении / А.И. Батышев, В.Д. Белов, К.А. Батышев и др.; под ред. А.И. Батышева. - М.: Изд-во МГОУ, 2011. - 205 с.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Batyshev A.I., Batyshev K.A., Smolkin A.A., Bezpalko V.I.

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