Determination of values of the solution flow rate and temperature in carbon dioxide absorption process

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Steady growth in world energy prices requires finding the optimal conditions for the processes of chemical technology. Results of testing of previously prepared a mathematical model of the process of purification of industrial gases from carbon dioxide. Shows the dependence of the absorption capacity and the amount of absorbed CO2 by the fluid flow. Proved that no need for the use of the liquid flow rate is similar flooding regime of absorber, since at some point the increase of liquid flow ceases to have a significant impact on the overall absorption capacity of the solution. Also shown is the possibility of reducing the flow of solution in industrial environments, which allows to obtain economic benefits from reduced energy consumption on the circulation of the solution and the gas purification process in general. The value of the temperature for maximum rate of chemisorption of carbon dioxide.

About the authors

A. O Gureev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


Y. G Pikulin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)



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Copyright (c) 2014 Gureev A.O., Pikulin Y.G.

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