Development of criteria for comparative analysis of chemical and petrochemical industries of Russia

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The article is about system researches of innovative resources of 165 leading enterprises of chemical and petrochemical industry of Russia within 1995-2012. The developed methodology is for comparative analysis of innovative resources for branches of the chemical and petrochemical complex. Analysis of innovative resources was conducted with the use of indices of innovative financing and production of innovative products, as well as ranking of industries according to the criterion of innovation development.

About the authors

A. V Kvasyuk

Scientific centre "Low-tonnage chemistry"; FGUP “IREA”; Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering


A. M Bessarabov

Scientific centre "Low-tonnage chemistry"; FGUP “IREA”; Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Dr.Eng., Prof.

V. P Bel’kov

Scientific centre "Low-tonnage chemistry"; FGUP “IREA”; Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering

Dr.Eng., Prof.

D. V Zubov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering



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Copyright (c) 2014 Kvasyuk A.V., Bessarabov A.M., Bel’kov V.P., Zubov D.V.

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