Development of information technology and computer quality management for inorganic acids of high purity

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During creation of obtaining technology of the inorganic acids range of high purity the authors developed information database of the flexible production, including 7 standard hardware modules: chemical cleaning, rectification, desorption, adsorption, absorption, content correction and filtration. The system of computer quality management is developed for analytical monitoring of high purity inorganic acids on the basis of information CALS-technologies.

About the authors

A. M. Bessarabov

Science centre "Low-tonnage chemistry"

Dr.Eng., Prof.

L. V Trynkina

Science centre "Low-tonnage chemistry"

A. A. Kazakov

Science centre "Low-tonnage chemistry"

V. E. Trokhin

Science centre "Low-tonnage chemistry"


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  3. Trokhin V.E., Vendilo A.G., Bessarabov A.M., Kazakov A.A., Stepanova T.I. Use of the CALS concept for development of equipment modules producing reagent-quality aliphatic hydrocarbons // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2012. Vol. 48, № 5-6. P. 271-277.
  4. Глушко А.Н., Бессарабов А.М. Разработка CALS-системы компьютерного менеджмента качества пропиточных составов для дорожных покрытий // Известия МГТУ «МАМИ». 2013. Т. 2, № 3 (17). С. 91-94.

Copyright (c) 2014 Bessarabov A.M., Trynkina L.V., Kazakov A.A., Trokhin V.E.

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