The elemental and fractional composition of humic substances in sediments of lakes of the taiga zone of the Tyumen region

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This work is devoted to definition of fractional and element structure and type of the humic substances emitted from 9 exemplars of ground deposits of lakes of a taiga zone of the Tyumen region. The fractionating of humic substances was carried out by a pyrophosphate method. Elemental analysis method used for the determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. Calculated atomic ratio H:C, O:C and C:N. The predominant type of humus in the sediments is humate and fulvate-humate, which indicates that the flow of the process of organic matter humification sediments predominantly in comparison with mineralization.

About the authors

G. N. Shigabaeva

Tyumen State University

Ph.D.; 8 (3452) 46-80-24


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