International level of economic security of Russia in the early twentieth century

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This article describes the key aspects of the economic security of Russia in modern conditions: preconditions and factors affecting the economic security of Russia. The structural analysis of the protection of the national economy from external threats, preventing the effective development of the national economy model. Strategy to protect national economic security is investigated through the key concepts of national interests and national security threats. There are the examples of economic sanctions by foreign countries having mutual importance both for Russia and for themselves. Considered are not only the problems of economic dependence of the national economy, but also effective measures to ensure the progressive development of the country.

About the authors

N. S. Ulyanova

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D.; +7(495)683-9918

D. A. Gurnina

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Ph.D.; +7(495)683-9918


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Copyright (c) 2014 Ulyanova N.S., Gurnina D.A.

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