Role of automatic identification in the development of process approach

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The article discusses the use of automatic identification technologies to generate data models used in the development of the process approach. The possibility of optimizing business processes through the introduction of RFID systems providing continuous automated data collection and analysis is considered and compared with the planned results. Received information from automatic identification systems at all control points of considered business processes can be used in order to optimize and accompany the material flow at all stages of the life cycle of products and at all levels of the supply chain.

About the authors

B. A Boyko

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

+7 499 267-19-92

V. D Sekerin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr. Sc., Prof.; +7 499 267-19-92


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Copyright (c) 2014 Boyko B.A., Sekerin V.D.

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