Genesis of innovative approaches to strategic development of socio-economic systems of the industrial sector

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Forecasting and planning of innovative transformation of the socio-economic system are two interrelated and interdependent procedures. Planning is subordinate with respect to forecasting, and should not be strictly deterministic, but organic and adaptive to changing environmental conditions. At the same time as the process of forecasting has a special purpose - the process should ensure the sustainability of socio-economic system in conditions of innovative transformation.

About the authors

M. N. Dudin

Institute of International Social and Humanitarian Relations

Dr. of Economics; 8 (495) 683-99-30

N. V. Lyasnikov

Moscow State Institute for Tourism Industry

Dr. of Economics, Prof.; 8 (495) 683-99-30

V. D. Sekerin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr. of Economics, Prof; 8 (495) 683-99-30


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Copyright (c) 2014 Dudin M.N., Lyasnikov N.V., Sekerin V.D.

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