Estimation of traction and dynamic properties of an 8×8 car with individual wheel drives on a chassis dynamometer

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The paper presents a new principle or real load condition simulation during vehicle testing on a chassis dynamometer. The authors developed a mathematical model of an 8 × 8 car dynamics on the stand and on the road. The results of modeling simulation proved the efficiency of the proposed approach to stand management on the example of an 8 × 8 car with individual wheel drive. The article also grounds the directions for further research, based on the present principles.

About the authors

G. O. Kotiev

Bauman MSTU

Dr.Eng., Prof.

V. A. Gorelov

Bauman MSTU

Dr.Eng., Prof.

A. Y. Zakharov

Bauman MSTU



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Copyright (c) 2015 Kotiev G.O., Gorelov V.A., Zakharov A.Y.

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