Alternative method of geometric parameters measuring of throttle channels of circular cylindrical shape

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The use of throttles as elements of control devices in hydraulic drives requires them to ensure the possibility of pressure dependence on the flow of the working fluid of the desired type. To establish this dependence it is necessary to know the area of the opening at the inlet of the throttling passage. However, the direct method to measure the actual value of this area resulting from the manufacture of the throttle channel is not always possible. The article presents the evaluation of the possibility of using the alternative method of determining the area of the entrance to the throttle channel of circu-lar cylindrical shape.

About the authors

V. S Kuznetsov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Ph.D.; +7 (499) 263-65-18

V. V Yarots

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Ph.D.; +7 (499) 263-65-18


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