Electromechanical system for providing continuity summing power to the driving machine when shifting gears in transmission of a vehicle

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The paper provides description of mathematical models of the transmission with an electrome- chanical system for providing continuity summing power to the engine when shifting gears, and the traditional transmission, which allow studying automobile acceleration characteristics. The resultsof computer modeling of process of a gear shift for the considered designs are shown.

About the authors

A. V Gorbatovskiy

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

G. O Kotiev

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Dr.Eng., Prof.

A. O Chulyukin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Email: chulukin@rambler.ru


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Copyright (c) 2015 Gorbatovskiy A.V., Kotiev G.O., Chulyukin A.O.

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