Creep and long-term strength of rods under stretching and bending in aggressive environment

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The article describes the features of high-temperature deformation of the rods in aggressive environment. In the first section it is considered the related problem of the long-term strength of a stretched rod in aggressive environment. Unlike the known solutions, it is taken into account the interdependence of the environment concentration level in the material of the rod and the value of accumulated damage. Obtained are the values of the time before failure of the rod with different formulations of the problem. In the second section it is investigated creep of the rod in pure bending under these conditions, taking into account different rod-resistance to tension and compression. The solutions of problems at steady creep of the rod, with additional accounting of accumulated damage of the material and influence of aggressive environment.

About the authors

A. M. Lokoshenko

Institute of Mechanics of MSU

Dr.Eng., Prof.

L. V. Fomin

Institute of Mechanics of MSU


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Copyright (c) 2015 Lokoshenko A.M., Fomin L.V.

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