Determining of parameters of nonisothermal cyclic curve model

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It was proposed methodology of determining parameters of model of nonisothermal cyclic stress-strain curve. Algorithm of pattern recognition was implemented. It was based on minimization of function of mismatch between experimental results and calculation of three-parameter model curve which depends on Bauchinger’s effect, elastic unloading modulus and scale of transformation of nonlinear part of stress-strain curve. Odkvist’s parameter was used for measure of plastic deformation. Simulation of cyclic stress strain curve was carried out. Results of simulation were compared with experimental data.

About the authors

J. M Temis

Central Institute of Aviation Motors; Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Dr. Sc, Prof.

A. I Fakeev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)



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Copyright (c) 2015 Temis J.M., Fakeev A.I.

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