Deformation characteristics of aluminum alloys

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The paper presents the results of tests to failure of aluminum alloys samples AMg6, AMg6M of various forms. Among the samples there were uniaxial samples, tubular samples in torsion, round membranes designed to hidrolipoclasia, thin cut plates, flat samples with holes and round solid samples with an annular undercut with different radius cuts. The impact of volume stress state, calculated by the method of mathematical simulation of each type samples loading processes, on maximum deformation is discussed.

About the authors

S. A. Vladimirov

Central Research Institute of Machine Building “TsNIIMash”

Ph.D.; +7 495 513-59-14


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  3. Владимиров С.А., Трефилов С.И., Апетьян В.Э., Астрединов В.М. Измерение деформаций тонкого паяного шва средствами обработки изображений пакета LabView и бесконтактной измерительной системы VIC-2D. Космонавтика и ракетостроение, № 3 (72), 2013.

Copyright (c) 2015 Vladimirov S.A.

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