On the question of research and production of domestic industry development companies

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The article proposed in order to improve the management of the development of economic enti- ties of the domestic industry to introduce planning and accounting category "Research and Produc-tion Progress", a definition of scientific and industrial development, and a list of its basic elements.

About the authors

V. G Tsogoev

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Email: asp_sp@mail.ru
Dr.Sc. Prof.; 8-919-107-26-66

D. V Barykin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)


D. A Boronnikov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)



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Copyright (c) 2015 Tsogoev V.G., Barykin D.V., Boronnikov D.A.

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