Experimental evaluation of the loads influencing the rubber parts of track chain with rubber and metallic hinges

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The results of experimental research of loads acting in rubber and metallic hinges of track chain for agricultural tractors of class 3 are shown. Tracked tractor was equipped with a caterpillar with rubber-metallic hinges of sequential type of five towing point variant with restrictor of radial deformation. To determine the forces acting on hinge was used strain-gauge joint and angle relative to the rotation of track chain was defined. In addition, the research was accompanied by a recording of the following parameters: frequency of rotation of the motor shaft, torque on the shaft of clutch, torque on driving wheel, number of revolutions of the drive wheel, number of revolutions of track-measuring device. These parameters were determined during tractor movement at different gears with changing range of hook loads from 15 to 32 kN. Experimental studies and their analysis showed that the restrictor is in contact with the surface of towing point during movement of the tractor in all gears when hooking load exceeds 15 kN, not only in the driving area of caterpillar tracks, but also on the supporting unit. Rubber elements on the contour of the tracked bypass are subject to deformation in the radial direction. The radial displacement is not constant and on free unit values 0.05...0.15 mm and varies with frequency close to track one. On all parts of caterpillar tracks the twisting of the rubber elements is accompanied by a preliminary deformation in the radial direction. The obtained results allow to substantiate the modes of loading rubber components of track chain hinges for bench testing and when calculating the stress-strain state.

About the authors

V. M. Sharipov

Moscow Polytechnic University

Email: trak@mami.ru
Dr. Eng.

Y. N. Barsukov

Polzunov Altai State Technical University


S. A. Korostylev

Polzunov Altai State Technical University



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