Increase of efficiency of alternative fuels use in transport

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The paper analyzes the results of scientific and research works carried out at the department “Automotive engines” of Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) in the field of alternative energy, which is widely regarded as the most promising direction in addressing energy and environmental security of the transport complex. The paper analyzes the causes hindering the massive use of alternative fuels in energy consumption of domestic transport, which mostly have lower energy and kinetic performance during combustion compared to conventional fuels. A new approach is stated to solve the problem of increasing chemmotological indicators of alternative fuels on the basis of their preliminary thermochemical conversion - conversion on board of vehicle. Preliminary results show analytical study of the on-board conversion process parameters for a number of potentially suitable alternative fuels with the purpose of process effeciency evaluation. The possibility of practical implementation of the proposed process of chemmotological conversion of alternative fuels with the evaluation of its efficiency was verified by the results of full-scale experimental testing of a diesel engine. The study substantiates the feasibility of using of this process in transport technology due to technical simplicity of its implementation and effectiveness. Implementation of on-board alternative fuel conversion is realizable on any type of serial engine without changing the basic design. The main component of the conversion system, the thermocatalytic reactor, is a simple design heat exchanger, which mass and dimensional characteristics (in the volume of a conventional muffler) provide ease of installation into engine exhaust system. Application of gaseous conversion products improves mixing process because both combustible mixture components, air and fuel, are in the same aggregate state. In addition, the component composition of these products contains reaction active compounds that contribute to improvement of environmental and energy-saving performance of combustion process and efficiency of engine operating cycle.

About the authors

V. M. Fomin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr.Eng.; +7 915 211-44-15


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