Mathematical model of test bench

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The description of multifunctional test bench construction to determine the basic operational characteristics of transmissions of automobiles and trucks designed in Volgograd State Technical University is provided. The description of its mathematical model created on the basis of the spatial dynamic schema is given and the results of calculation of test bench mass and inertia parameters are provided. The models of moving masses are the masses of transmission rotating elements, which transmit torque, transmission housing, test bench frame, that consists of two subframes, two hubs, DinaPack loading device, including a hydraulic machine. The values of parts inertia moments and stiffness of its joints are obtained by DASP software package and SolidWorks 3D CAD system. On the first stage to carry out the simulation capabilities at various loading conditions and forecast their results without a long-term field tests, on the basis of the structural scheme of test bench the flat dynamic model was created, which besides the data on composition and communication of the masses, contains data on elastic, inertial and dissipative parameters of its elements. On the next stage the spatial structural test bench scheme was created, on the basis of which in “Universal mechanism” program the spatial dynamic model was made. The dynamic model of test bench includes 31 inertial masses influenced by linear, contact, bipolar and special forces. To check the adequacy of the created model at the initial stage the calculation of fundamental frequencies of its masses in the range from 0 to 10000 Hz was made. The comparison of its values with the results of processing of experimental digital oscillograms of test bench masses oscillations showed sufficient for the solution of engineering problems convergence of results.

About the authors

A. S. Gorobtsov

Volgograd State Technical University

Dr.Eng.; +7 8442 24-81-61

M. V. Lyashenko

Volgograd State Technical University

Dr.Eng.; +7 8442 24-81-61

N. S. Sokolov-Dobrev

Volgograd State Technical University

Ph.D.; +7 8442 24-81-61

V. V. Shekhovtsov

Volgograd State Technical University

Dr.Eng.; +7 8442 24-81-61

P. V. Potapov

Volgograd State Technical University

Ph.D.; +7 8442 24-81-61

E. V. Klementyev

Volgograd State Technical University

+7 8442 24-81-61

A. A. Dolotov

Volgograd State Technical University

+7 8442 24-81-61


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Copyright (c) 2016 Gorobtsov A.S., Lyashenko M.V., Sokolov-Dobrev N.S., Shekhovtsov V.V., Potapov P.V., Klementyev E.V., Dolotov A.A.

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