Comparison of traction and longevity of caterpillar driving machines of agricultural tractors

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The results of tests of various types of caterpillars on the tractor VT-150 on the evaluation of traction indicators, as well as sealing effect on the soil are presented. It is established that the tractor BT-150 with rubber-reinforced caterpillars in the zone of nominal traction effort of 36 ... 45 kN for tractors of class 3 develops the maximum traction power of 90.5 kW at a speed of 8.1 km / h, tractive effort of 40.2 kN and slipping 5, 1%, which is at the level of the corresponding indicators of the tractor with metal caterpillars with open metal joint. An assessment of the parameters of the effect of propulsors with different types of caterpillars on soil was carried out at the North Caucasus Experimental Station of the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy of the Russian Federation in an indoor sand channel. As a result, it is established that rubber-reinforced caterpillars ensure the operation of the tractor with soil moisture up to 0.7 НВ in the spring period and up to 0.9 НВ in the summer-autumn period. The analysis of the test results of the VT-150 tractor with various caterpillar designs showed that the use of rubber-reinforced caterpillars on the machine ensures: equality of traction parameters, including efficiency, machines on rubber-reinforced caterpillars and on metal caterpillars with open metal joint in the zone of nominal tractive effort for tractors of Class 3; the possibility of the machine working the field in conditions of high humidity; the ability of the machine to travel on roads with hard and advanced coatings without destroying them in comparison with metal caterpillars with open metal joint. It is shown that caterpillars with rubber-reinforced caterpillars have advantages in durability in comparison with metal caterpillars with open metal joint both on tractors and on combines.

About the authors

N. A Shchel'tsyn

Scientific and research institute “NII Stali”


V. D Beynenson

Scientific and research institute “NII Stali”


R. S Fedotkin

Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center VIM


V. A Kryuchkov

Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center VIM


I. F Belyy

North-Caucasian State Zonal Machine Testing Station


V. Yu Revenko

State Scientific Institution North Caucasus Experimental Station of the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy



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Copyright (c) 2017 Shchel'tsyn N.A., Beynenson V.D., Fedotkin R.S., Kryuchkov V.A., Belyy I.F., Revenko V.Y.

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