The electric starting systems of automobile internal combustion engines with alternative sources of current

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The application of capacitive energy storage devices in the electric starting systems for automobile internal combustion engines is considered, when instead of a standard battery, a battery of a smaller capacity is used, and in the remainder of the standard battery volume, the energy storage device is mounted. In this case, at the high specific indicators of the energy storage device, the reliability of the engine start can be increased with the same total volume and mass of the electric starting systems at low temperatures. The paper presents a methodology for a determination the parameters of the battery and the energy storage device which are connected in parallel for the electric starting systems, in the case when the type of internal combustion engine and its main parameters are specified, as well as the type of the starter motor and its characteristics. The conducted theoretical investigations made it possible to obtain the dependence of the required mechanical energy for starting the internal combustion engine from the value of the capacity of the energy storage device, as a result of which the required capacity of the energy storage device and its internal resistance, its initial energy, as well as its necessary volume and mass are determined. The volume and mass of battery can be determined from the reference literature or under certain methods for the specific energy of battery by volume and mass. If the ratio of the total volume of the battery and the energy storage device to the volume of the battery is less than unity, then at the given starting frequency of rotation, the usage of the energy storage device is reasonable, due to the reduction of the total volume of the electric starting systems. Similar calculations are conducted for other values of the average starting frequency of rotation. The optimal parameters of the battery and the energy storage device are in which the total volume will be minimal. The parameters of the electric starting systems with the energy storage device and the battery for the VAZ automobile engine with M6z/10G1 engine oil were calculated at a temperature of -20°C with a starter 35.3708 and the gear ratio of the drive gear 11,62. The results of the calculations are shown that for a specific energy of the energy storage device 1 Jcm3 at all starting rotational speeds, the usage of the energy storage device does not allow to reduce the total volume of the energy storage device and the battery in comparison with the volume of the battery required for scrolling the internal combustion engine shaft with this starting frequency.

About the authors

R. A Maleev

Moscow Polytechnic University


Yu. M Shmatkov

Moscow Polytechnic University


A. A Kholodov

Moscow Polytechnic University



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Copyright (c) 2018 Maleev R.A., Shmatkov Y.M., Kholodov A.A.

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