Calculation and experimental analysis of the V-belt variator motor

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To change the speed of the executive bodies of many modern machines it is commonly used a variety of continuously variable drives, including, quite broadly, V-belt variators, which have a number of significant advantages. The main disadvantage of them is having not high durability of the variable-speed belt, caused, as a rule, not only by the qualities of the belt itself, but also by not perfect design of variator pressure devices. Therefore, improving the technical characteristics of modern V-belt variators is an important and urgent task. The article shows the need and ways to improve the V-belt variators for industrial use. The design of the upgraded motor variators and their pressure devices is analyzed. The main advantages of the improved pressure devices of the considered motor-variators are shown. The design flaws of the drive pulley adjustment mechanism are noted. To assess the capabilities of the upgraded motor-variators, a computational-experimental analysis of its prototype was carried out. The expected durability of the variator belt was found by calculation, which showed a significant reserve of the motor-variator in terms of load capacity. There was heat load experimentally determined of the V-belt and other elements of the variator under different loading conditions, including extreme loads. According to the results of the calculation and experimental analysis, it was found that the technical characteristics of the modernized variator do not reflect its actual capabilities. The variator motor is able to transmit high power without losing its efficiency. The upgraded variator motor can be used in the drives of stationary machines with different laws of change of the moment of resistance and transmitted power. However, it is necessary to carry out a constructive revision of the variator motor and its pressure devices in order to eliminate additional sources of heat generation and improve the working conditions of the variator belt.

About the authors

N. P Balovnev

Moscow Polytechnic University


L. A Dmitrieva

Moscow Polytechnic University



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Copyright (c) 2018 Balovnev N.P., Dmitrieva L.A.

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