Development of multicomponent mixed bio-hydrocarbon fuel for diesel engines

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The density, viscosity, cetane number of mixtures of diesel fuel (DF) with peanut butter (PB) are determined. For the preparation of mixtures the summer-type diesel fuel, unrefined peanut oil (TU 9141-001-0062499777-2016), kerosene (KO-25 TU 38.401-58-10-01) were used. The criteria for the applicability of peanut oil as a component of fuel were density (r), viscosity (u), cetane number (CN) of diesel fuel. It is established that r, u, CN of mixtures with a peanut butter content of not more than 20% are identical to the parameters r, u, CN of diesel fuel. The activation energy of the viscous flow (Еа) of mixtures and peanut butter was estimated. It is shown that the parameter Еа is much lower than the activation energy of the oxidation process occurring when PB is heated. It was concluded that viscosity measurements (in the temperature range from 20 to 1000 ° C) are not affected by oxidative processes. The cetane numbers of the objects of study were measured by the indicator CN OKTAN-IM. It is shown that the cetane numbers of mixtures containing more than 50% PB are lower than the minimum value necessary for the normal operation of the engine when it is powered by diesel fuel. A list of the disadvantages of composite diesel fuel is presented, and a method is given to compensate these shortcomings, which consists in introducing kerosene into this mixture. It is shown that a multicomponent mixture satisfying the requirement for r, u, CN values of diesel fuel should contain 33% kerosene, 29% diesel fuel and 38% peanut butter. It is noted that for the final conclusion on the applicability of this mixture full-scale tests are required.

About the authors

Salim Soo

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

H.I. Abdel' Sater

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

PhD in Engineering

A. A Hodyakov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

PhD in Chemistry

S. V Hlopkov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia



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Copyright (c) 2019 Soo S., Sater H.A., Hodyakov A.A., Hlopkov S.V.

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