Study of the modes of operation of capacitive energy storage in the automobile engine start systems

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The article presents data on the study of the operating modes of capacitive energy storage (ES) in the start systems of a modern automobile engine. Experimental dependencies of the main parameters of the electric starter start systems (SSS) using ES are presented. A comparative analysis of alternative energy storage devices revealed that the best performance indicators for specific power are ES, which is achieved due to lower internal resistance. ES are able to quickly give away and accumulate energy. The discharge and charge time is determined by the electricity consumers and the parameters of the charging circuit of ES. Studies of ES in SSS for automotive internal combustion engines (ICE) were carried out, when, instead of the standard battery the battery with a smaller capacity is used, and the ES is located in the remaining part of the volume of battery. At high specific rates of ES, the reliability of the start can be increased with the same total volume and weight of the SSS at low temperatures. The theoretical and experimental studies have allowed to obtain the dependence of the instantaneous and average parameters of the SSS on the time of the engine scrolling, as a result of which the required capacity of the ES and its internal resistance, the initial energy of the ES, as well as the necessary volume and mass of the ES are determined. The volume and mass of batteries can be determined from the reference literature or by known methods by specific energies of batteries in volume and mass. On the experimental dependences it was shown that the time of the crankshaft scrolling, the number of working strokes and the angle of rotation of the crankshaft to a complete stop Nрх depend on the capacity and charge voltage of the ES. The studies were conducted in the Cold Start Laboratory of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research and Experimental Institute of Automobile Electronics and Electrical Equipment together with the Department “Electrical Equipment and Industrial Electronics” of Moscow Polytechnic University, where an experimental assessment of the possibility was made of starting gasoline engines at low temperatures of SSS with ES of high-voltage (capacitors with a voltage of 200 V - 290 V) and low-voltage ESs with a voltage of 12 V - 16 V.

About the authors

R. A Maleev

Moscow Polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering

S. M Zuev

Moscow Polytechnic University

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

A. A Lavrikov

Moscow Polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering

N. P Grebenchikov

Moscow Polytechnic University



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Copyright (c) 2019 Maleev R.A., Zuev S.M., Lavrikov A.A., Grebenchikov N.P.

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