Study of the balancing method of the charging station for lithium-ion batteries

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This article discusses the problem of balancing the configuration of 4S lithium-ion batteries in the charging process and the method of solving it using a new type of charging station. As a working sample, a 4-cell "smart" battery pack was used. The advantages of using the passive balancing method compared to the active one are shown. Designed by a team of authors, the BMS battery management system layout allows you to control the physical parameters on the battery cells and to perform balancing, increasing the battery life and safety. The BMS battery management system allows you to control the parameters of a rechargeable cell or battery, protecting them from working in a hazardous area, as well as reading background data through the built-in control and analysis system based on the ATmega328 microcontroller. The control system can monitor the state of the battery, which is represented by various parameters, such as voltage, temperature, SOC charge state, "health state" SOH, current. Batteries with an arbitrary number of series and parallel-series cells of a battery can be examined. During the research, graphical dependencies of the charge of the battery cells were obtained without using the BMS system and using this system, this allowed to analyze the technical characteristics of the battery and further develop proposals for their safe operation modes. The use of the proposed BMS system to increase the service life of lithium-ion batteries is possible in many areas of production. Due to the large distribution of lithium-ion batteries from consumer electronics to vehicles, this development is relevant in the framework of modern electrical technology.

About the authors

S. M Zuev

Moscow Polytechnic University

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

M. R Aleksyuk

Moscow Polytechnic University

A. I Kanarejkin

Moscow Polytechnic University


S. D Habarova

Moscow Polytechnic University

S. A Bogachev

Moscow Polytechnic University


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Copyright (c) 2019 Zuev S.M., Aleksyuk M.R., Kanarejkin A.I., Habarova S.D., Bogachev S.A.

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