Flow diagrams for tribological testing of transport engineering units

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Tests on full-scale units at the present level of development of transport engineering is not always appropriate due to their long duration, which is unacceptably delays the use of new lubricants. The development and use of model plants, stands and full-scale units allow for the shortest possible time to get a fairly reliable assessment of the most important performance properties of lubricants. The purpose of the study is to review the existing modern technological schemes of transport engineering on the example of rail transport units, allowing to study the processes of friction in lubrication conditions. The article describes five main schemes of possible tests: four-ball, Timken scheme, Falex scheme, Almen-Wieland scheme, SAE scheme. The classical and modernized technological schemes of tribotechnical testing of rail transport units used in our country and abroad, corresponding to the main test schemes are considered. Examined the device and principle of operation of the machine the four-ball friction CCT-1, the machine friction AI 5018, stand for tribological research on the basis of bench drilling machine, HC-12, the test stand simulating the operation modes of the system wheel - rail, developed by the Research and technology centre of the German Railways DBAG (FTZ) in cooperation with the companies Renk (Augsburg), and IABG (Ottobrunn). With the aim of improving existing technologies, the proposed test stand, wheel-rail tribosystem, allowing to simulate technology lubricatio grebnevsky systems on the railway transport. Technological feature of this stand is that the model of the wheel flange makes a small vertical and horizontal return movement that mimics the natural movement of the wheel flange during the movement of rolling stock during the application of the lubricant.

About the authors

D. V Glazunov

Rostov State Transport University

Email: glazunovdm@yandex.ru
PhD in Engineering


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