Experimental evaluation of the load capacity of the rollers of gravity conveyors for pallets

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The main approaches to calculating the load capacity of the carrying rollers of gravity conveyors are presented. It is shown that in practice, in the designs of modern non-driven conveyors for pallets, the priority when choosing the pitch of the carrier rollers is the stability of the movement of the load, rather than minimizing the number of rollers. In connection with the urgent task of reducing the metal consumption and the cost of gravity roller conveyors for pallets, the purpose of the work is to experimentally determine the load capacity of the rollers of gravity conveyors for pallets with plastic bearing housings. The experimental studies were carried out in the laboratory of the Department of Applied Mechanics on a Galdabini Quasar 50 universal testing machine using a special roller support for two roller designs - with a solid axis and on half-axles. The test results showed that the stiffness of a roller with a solid axis in the load range up to 670 N is about 1358.4 N / mm, and in the load range from 670 to 1500 N - 2229.9 N / mm. The rigidity of the roller on the axle shafts in the entire load range is 2048.0 N / mm. The analysis of the obtained results showed that for loads over 670N the use of the axle slightly increases the stiffness coefficient, and, on the contrary, it decreases in the load range up to 670N. In order to reduce the cost of carrying rollers with plastic bearing housings, it is advisable to use a design on semi-axles.

About the authors

Ye. V Safronov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Email: gen-s@mail.ru
PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

A. L Nosko

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2020 Safronov Y.V., Nosko A.L.

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