Preliminary synthesis of algorithms for automatic control of automobile continuously variable transmissions with flexible links

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Variators of different operating principles and designs are of interest as components of automatic transmissions for ground transport and traction machines. At the same time, one of the most popular types of variators are the variators built on the basis of continuously variable transmissions with flexible links. The main reasons for the use of such variators in the transmissions of a number of modern passenger vehicles are, on the one hand, the emergence of flexible link designs with high durability, and, on the other hand, the widespread introduction of programmable electronic devices into automatic control systems for continuously variable transmissions. A direct consequence of the latter circumstance was the need for in-depth research aimed at synthesizing such control algorithms that would make it possible to fully use the advantages inherent in continuously variable transmissions with flexible links and minimize the operational consequences of their shortcomings. This paper makes an attempt to solve the problem of synthesizing the algorithm in a preliminary form, based on the goal of providing the vehicle with the best traction and speed properties. The presence of such an attempt will allow, having set the main parameters of a continuously variable transmission for some reason, to develop the hardware of the automatic control system. In turn, this will make it possible to synthesize a refined algorithm that takes into account the dynamics of the system, errors of meters and signal conversion devices, as well as other factors affecting work processes. When considering the described problem, various variants of the geometry of the contact surfaces of the continuously variable transmission links were taken into account and the corresponding mathematical apparatus were formed. The results of calculations, obtained by computer program that implements these devices, are selectively presented in the materials of the paper.

About the authors

A. E Yesakov

Moscow Polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

A. V Kretov

Moscow Polytechnic University

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

P. A Krasavin

Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI)

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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