Evaluation of indicators of curvilinear movement of a road train using mathematical simulation

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Introduction: a widespread approach to the transportation of large-sized and heavy-weight indivisible cargo on roads and terrain is the use of multi-axle wheeled transport complexes, which are road trains. At the same time, due to the significant overall dimensions, one of the most important properties of such machines is agility, that is, the ability to move along a trajectory of large curvature in a limited area, which is especially important in loading / unloading zones. Subject of research: the article presents an approach to predicting the indicators of curvilinear movement of multi-axle wheeled road trains, based on the application of the method of mathematical modeling of the dynamics of body systems. Methodology and methods: the essence of the method is to create a mathematical model of the movement of a road train, represented by a system of rigid bodies, which are interconnected by kinematic and power connections. The simulation model developed within the framework of the study makes it possible to take into account with high accuracy the peculiarities of the interaction of the wheel propeller with the supporting surface, the redistribution of normal reactions between the support modules, as well as the force factors arising in the coupling device and ensuring the interaction between the tractive vehicle and the trailer link. The mathematical description of the interaction of the propeller with the ground is based on the concept of “friction ellipse”. Using the presented model, an assessment of the turnability of a wheeled road train equipped with a trailed link with swivel and non-swivel wheels was carried out. The required width along the tracks of the outer (running in) and inner (lagging) wheels was used as an assessment criterion. To assess the feasibility of using a trailed link with fully steered wheels and, accordingly, complicating the design of the machine, an additional assessment of the required power of the steering drive was carried out. Results and scientific novelty: a mathematical model of the dynamics of a road train was developed. It makes possible to predict with high accuracy the indicators of curvilinear movement of wheeled vehicles, as well as to estimate the required power of the steering drive. Practical significance: a mathematical model of road train movement was developed, which allows a wide range of tests to be carried out to assess not only the indicators of curved-linear movement, but also the mobility of wheeled vehicles of any configuration as a whole.

About the authors

V. A Gorelov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia

K. B Yevseyev

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

O. I Chudakov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia

K. S Balkovskiy

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Email: konstantin-balkovsky@ya.ru
Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2020 Gorelov V.A., Yevseyev K.B., Chudakov O.I., Balkovskiy K.S.

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