On calculational analysis of suspensions with hydraulic springs

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BACKGROUND: The information about application of hydraulic springs in suspension systems of tanks and self-propelled artillery weapons may be found in domestic scientific and nonfiction literature. In addition, machines, which prototypes were equipped with this type of suspension, are known. For instance, possibility of hydraulic suspension implementation was proven on the T-34 tank prorotype, whereas application of this type of suspension with heavy tanks gave the most prospectivity. Complication of sealing build-up with sufficient life span, development of technologies of metal springs strengthening and shutdown of heavy tanks development did not allowed hydraulic suspensions to become widespread. At present, they are not used at all, whereas methods of analytical calculation are not in public access, despite of the interest of a group of scientists.

AIMS: Development of the method of determination of main parameters of suspensions with hydraulic springs and analysis of properties of the T-34-76 Soviet middle tank prototype hydraulic suspension from the point of modern theory of nonlinear suspension systems.

METHODS: Justification and confidence of given dependencies for properties calculation, conclusions and recommendations are confirmed with application of strict mathematical apparatus of mechanics, hydraulics and thermodynamics as well as scientifically justified theoretical backgrounds.

RESULTS: Historic data on liquids compressibility researches, method of analytical determination of main properties of hydraulic springs with various design schemes, allowing restoring of properties of suspensions of existing tracked vehicles, synthesizing properties of other suspensions and, moreover, estimating reasonability of properties of suspension with hydraulic springs, are presented in the article. According to the method, proposed in the article, properties of the hydraulic spring from the T-34-76 Soviet middle tank prototype, equipped with hydraulic suspension, were restored and analyzed. In addition, suspension properties for the same vehicle were synthesized and used for a comparative analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: The information, presented in the article, is helpful for research engineers, interested in study of elastic behavior of liquids in case of their application in suspension systems, whereas the proposed method, allowing synthesis of reasonable properties of hydraulic springs, gives an opportunity to study the ride comfort of tank propotypes, equipped with hydraulic suspension, with a good quality and, moreover, to synthesize hydraulic springs properties according to the demands, given to a design engineer.

About the authors

Oleg A. Nakaznoy

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Email: nakaznoi@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4029-2434
SPIN-code: 9767-0435

Professor, Dr. Sci. (Tech.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Alexander A. Tsipilev

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: alexts@bmstu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5764-0506
SPIN-code: 3877-2736

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Properties of synthetic and natural liquids: a) kinematic viscosity under constant pressure; b) relative isothermal viscosity change under variable pressure; t – liquid temperature, ν – kinematic viscosity.

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3. Fig. 2. Compressibility curves of the #4 and #5 liquids: β – volumetric compression coefficient; ΔV / V0 – relative volume change.

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4. Fig. 3. The main view of the T-34-76 middle tank hydraulic spring: 1 – nut-shackle, 2 – body; 3 – rod; 4 – sealing sleeve; 5 – support ring; 6 – packing nut; 7 – goffer; 8 – shackle; A – high pressure chamber; Б – low pressure chamber; В – chamber behind piston.

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5. Fig. 4. Elastic properties of default and hydraulic suspensions of the T-34-76 middle tank.

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6. Fig. 5. Elastic properties of hydraulic suspensions of the T-34-76 middle tank.

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7. Fig. 6. Part of the road surface profile.

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