Influence of heat-protective coatings on the temperature state of tractor diesel pistons

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BACKGROUND: The paper presents the results of thermometry of pistons with the TsNIDI type combustion chamber (CC) of the D-240 and the D-245 tractor diesel engines. Various constructive and technological measures aimed at increasing the thermal resistance of pistons are considered.

AIMS: To evaluate the effect of heat-protective coatings on the temperature state of pistons with the TsNIDI type combustion chamber.

METHODS: Motor bench tests of the D-240 and the D-245 diesel engines, equipped with pistons with heat-protective coatings (HPC) on the bottom, were carried out. In the process of research, the influence of the HPC on the thermal state of the pistons as well as on the power and economic indicators of these diesel engines was studied.

RESULTS: It is established that hard anodizing leads to a slight decrease in temperatures and their differences at characteristic points of the piston in stationary and non-stationary diesel operation modes. It is noted that the slow rise in temperature at the bottom of the piston is caused by a decrease in the amount of heat supplied to it due to the low thermal conductivity of the oxide layer. It is shown that the PN85Yu15 gas-plasma coating leads to a significant decrease in temperatures and their differences along the piston bottom. It is determined that this coating helps to reduce the specific effective fuel consumption due to the reduction of the ignition delay period in the combustion process. It is noted that a slower growth rate of temperatures and their differences, especially in the zone of the edge of the CC, should reduce the magnitude of thermal stresses, and therefore increase the thermal resistance of the experimental pistons.

CONCLUSIONS: It is revealed that the most effective way to reduce the heat stress of the piston is the application of heat-protective coatings on its bottom. The influence of the abovementioned coatings on the nature of the temperature distribution and their differences in the piston head is investigated.

About the authors

Vyacheslav P. Belov

Moscow Polytechnic University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2031-669X
SPIN-code: 9146-3300

Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow

Dmitry V. Apelinsky

Moscow Polytechnic University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2841-6895
SPIN-code: 2311-0480

Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Tech.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Vadim N. Bezhenar

Moscow Polytechnic University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3747-2530
SPIN-code: 1733-6826

Head of the Laboratory

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Comparison of temperatures at the characteristic points of the pistons during the operation of the D-240 diesel engine by load characteristic (n=1600 min-1): – serial, – with anodized bottom.

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3. Fig. 2. Comparison of temperatures at the characteristic points of the pistons during the operation of the D-240 diesel engine by load characteristic (n=2200 min-1): – serial, – with anodized bottom.

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4. Fig. 3. The effect of anodizing on the temperature change at the characteristic points of the piston under cyclic loading of the D-240 diesel engine: – serial, – with anodized bottom.

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5. Fig. 4. The effect of hard anodizing on the change in the radial temperature difference along the piston bottom with a cyclic change in the load of the D-240 diesel engine on the engine stand: – serial, – with anodized bottom.

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6. Fig. 5. Influence of the PN85Yu15coating on the temperature at the characteristic points of the piston during the operation of the D-245 diesel engine according to the load characteristics (n=2200 min-1): – serial, – coated.

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7. Fig. 6. Comparison of the load characteristics of the diesel engine D-245 (n=2200 min-1) with different piston variants: – serial, – with the PN85Yu15 coating.

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8. Fig. 7. Influence of the PN85Yu15 coating on the change in temperature at the characteristic points of the piston under cyclic loading of the D-245 diesel engine: – default; ----- – coated.

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9. Fig. 8. Influence of the PN85Yu15 coating on the change in the radial temperature difference along the piston bottom with a cyclic change in the load of the D-245 diesel engine on the engine stand: – default; ----- – coated.

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