Energy saving technologies and energy efficiency of motor transport power plants

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The perspective energy sources alternative to hydrocarbons, which are currently used in the world, are considered. Energy-saving technologies for the use of hydrocarbon fuel in vehicles are analyzed.

The need to develop the use of electric drives on automobiles is noted. The importance of systematical accumulation and analyzing of the existing experience of operating vehicles with electric drives abroad and in the Russian Federation is considered. Monitoring the technologies developed abroad and the problems arising during the operation of electric vehicles will make it possible to determine the priority ways of their development and to concentrate the efforts of researchers in the direction ensuring the maximum efficiency of their application.

One of the currently attractive and economically viable ways of developing road transport for domestic practice is the use of vehicles with hybrid power plants. It is shown that the production of hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles abroad is successfully developing and is nowadays one of the most dynamic in the world.

Indicators of efficiency of electric power consumption of vehicles with electric drive of various automobile manufacturers are given. A comparative analysis of technologies for the use of electric automobiles to improve the environmental situation in megalopolises is carried out and the problems of increasing the efficiency of automobile power plants are considered.

It is shown that the climatic conditions of the Russian Federation with long periods of low temperatures of atmospheric air strongly affect the energy losses associated with heating the passenger compartment, and to a large extent - on the energy efficiency of the power plant of electric vehicles.

To assess the efficiency of using electric vehicles, it is proposed to use a universal indicator of the efficiency of energy consumption. It is proposed to carry out a comparative assessment of the energy consumption of various vehicles by the energy parameter qEL.

The calculated data show that the use of vehicles with electric drive and, in particular, rechargeable hybrids is more profitable in comparison with the use of vehicles equipped exclusively with internal combustion engines.

About the authors

A. V. Shabanov

Research Center for Testing and Adjustment of Automotive Equipment of the Central research and development automobile and engine institute NAMI

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Moscow

V. K. Vanin

Central research and development automobile and engine institute NAMI

Russian Federation, Moscow

A. E. Yesakov

Moscow Polytechnic University


PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2021 Shabanov A.V., Vanin V.K., Yesakov A.E.

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