Results of experimental studies of an agricultural tractor with an elastic-damping mechanism in a power train

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Improving the operational efficiency of agricultural tractors is one of the main factors that helps to increase productivity while significantly reducing energy costs. The developments that are associated with improving the design of power transmissions for wheeled agricultural tractors are very important, because its indispensable condition is to increase labor productivity in agricultural production. Achievement of the required characteristics of agricultural tractors is determined by the properties of the power train and the interaction of associated systems. One of the main qualities of a power train should be the ability to absorb torsional vibrations and damp the load.

The article presents studies of the constructive improvement of the power transmission of an agricultural tractor by installing a developed elastic-damping mechanism using the example of a tractor of a small traction class. Considering the relevance of the topic, the article solved the problem of determining the influence of the elastic-damping mechanism installed in the power transmission of the tractor on its operation with the cultivator.

The paper analyzed the cross-correlation function and the mutual spectral density of two processes: the angular speed of rotation of the crankshaft of the engine and the angular speed of rotation of the drive wheel, which showed a change in the speed of propagation of passing frequencies of load oscillations along the shafting and displacement of the frequency of disturbing influences.

About the authors

S. E. Sen'kevich

Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Elastic damping mechanism scheme in the power transmission of a tractor of traction class 1.4 [13]

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3. Fig. 2. General view of the layout of the elastic damping mechanism elements on the tractor: 1 – pneumatic hydroaccumulator; 2 – throttle body; 3 – block of safety valves; 4 – oil pump; 5 – manometer

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4. Fig. 3. System of automatic accumulation and processing of information

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5. Fig. 4. General view of the tested tractor in a unit with a trailed cultivator and a measuring complex of the TL-2 laboratory based on the GAZ-66 automobile

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6. Fig. 5. Installation diagram of sensors on the investigated tractor when working with a cultivator: 1 – engine crankshaft speed sensor; 2, 5 – sensors of revolutions of the driving and track measuring wheels, respectively; 3 – torque sensor of the driving wheel of the tractor; 4 – tensometric traction force sensor; 6 – oil pressure sensor; 7– sensor of revolutions of the oil pump drive gear; 8 – counter for recording fuel consumption

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7. Fig. 6. Combined graphs of changes in the cross-correlation function of angular velocities of an experimental and serial tractor when aggregated with a cultivator (analysis of the signal from the engine to the drive wheel)

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8. Fig. 7. Combined graphs of changes in the cross-correlation function of angular velocities of an experimental and serial tractor when aggregated with a cultivator (taking into account the analysis of the signal from the drive wheel to the engine)

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9. Fig. 8. Combined graphs of changes in the real part of the function of the mutual spectral density of angular velocities of an experimental and serial tractor when aggregated with a cultivator

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10. Fig. 9. Combined graphs of changes in the imaginary part of the function of the mutual spectral density of angular velocities of an experimental and serial tractor when aggregated with a cultivator

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11. Fig. 10. Combined graphs of changes in the modulus of the function of the mutual spectral density of angular velocities of an experimental and serial tractor when aggregated with a cultivator

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