Starter-generator sets of modern vehicles

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This article describes the purpose and applications of the starter generator set. The modes of operation of a starter-generator set are considered both as a sequential excitation direct current electric motor, which rotates the shaft of an internal combustion engine, and as a generator, when an electric machine operates as a direct current source of independent excitation, supplying power to electric control circuits, electric motors of auxiliary electrical equipment, lighting and battery charging. Additional functions of a starter-generator set in the form of a start-stop system, regenerative braking, booster acceleration of a vehicle, damping of torsional moments of the shaft of an internal combustion engine and control of energy flows in the on-board network were studied.

The choice and substantiation of the optimal scheme, as well as the design of the starter-generator device, were carried out. The main technical and economic parameters of the starter-generator set were determined. The design of a starter-generator set was presented. This design is a reversible electric machine. A block diagram of a starter-generator set was developed.

Electrical machines used for starter-generator sets are considered. The design of an asynchronous machine with a squirrel-cage rotor, a synchronous machine with electromagnetic excitation, a valve machine with permanent magnets, a contactless machine, a synchronous machine with permanent magnets, and a valve machine with self-excitation are described. A review and analysis of electrical machines used in starter-generator sets of leading foreign companies is carried out.

The design of a reversible induction-dynamic machine is considered. The rotor rotates outside, and not inside the motor and is a short-circuited winding with a cast aluminum cage. The calculation of the main parameters of a reversible induction-dynamic machine was carried out both in the starting and in the generator modes. The calculation using a method similar to that of an induction motor was carried out.

About the authors

V. N. Kagdin

Moscow Polytecnic University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

R. A. Maleyev

Moscow Polytecnic University


PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Moscow

A. N. Zimin

Moscow Polytecnic University

Russian Federation, Moscow

S. M. Zuyev

Moscow Polytecnic University


PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Russian Federation, Moscow

D. R. Yakhutl'

Moscow Polytecnic University


PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Starter generator set design

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3. Fig. 2. Block diagram of a starter-generator set

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Copyright (c) 2021 Kagdin V.N., Maleyev R.A., Zimin A.N., Zuyev S.M., Yakhutl' D.R.

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