A virtual test bench for determining the loads in the air suspension of the rear trolley of a truck at the early stages of design

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To determine the maximum loads acting in the rear air suspension of a truck at the early stages of design there was used computer modeling based on solving equations of dynamics of solids and implemented in the Recurdyn software. The components of the developed virtual test bench, including hinges, power connections, drive axles, a wheel-hub assembly with a wheel and a support platform, are considered in detail. The test bench is controlled using a mathematical model created in the environment for calculating the dynamics of rigid bodies and associated with a solid suspension model by standard software tools of the application. The test bench is controlled using a mathematical model created in the environment for calculating the dynamics of rigid bodies and associated with a solid suspension model by standard software tools of the application. The use of such a test bench makes it possible to determine the loads in the hinges and power connections of the suspension, to determine the mutual positions of the links for each load mode, to increase the accuracy of the calculation of loads in comparison with the flat kinematic and force calculation. The mathematical model of the virtual test bench allows to carry out numerous parametric studies of the suspension without the involvement of expensive full-scale prototypes. This makes it possible at the early stages of design to determine all hazardous modes, select rational parameters of the elements, and reduce design costs.

The paper shows the results of modeling the operation of a virtual test bench with an air suspension in the most typical loading modes, identifying the most dangerous modes. The efficiency and adequacy of the mathematical model of the suspension was proved. Examples of determining the force in all the joints of the structure, the choice of maximum loads for design calculations when designing the air suspension of vehicle were shown.

About the authors

R. O. Maksimov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: romychmaximov@gmail.com
Russian Federation, Moscow

I. V. Chichekin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Email: hiv2@mail.ru

PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. General view of the virtual test bench model with air suspension

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3. Fig. 2. Components of virtual suspension test bench model

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4. Fig. 3. Modeling the operation of a virtual suspension test bench with indicating the vectors of forces and moments: blue – external loads; green – reactions in the suspension joints; red – forces and moments in elastic elements; orange – forces in shock absorbers

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5. Fig. 4. BUSHING for simulating the operation of rods and anti-roll bar bushings silentblocks

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6. Fig. 5. Hinges of the mathematical model of the virtual test bench

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7. Fig. 6. Sleeve type pneumatic elastic element

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8. Fig. 7. а) – Model of a pneumatic elastic element in a medium according to the calculation of the dynamics of rigid bodies, b) – Elastic characteristic of a pneumatic element for full mass vehicle

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9. Fig. 8. а) – Models of compression buffers, rebound dampers and shock absorbers in an environment for calculating the dynamics of rigid bodies, b) – Compression buffer elastic characteristic, c) – Rebound buffer elastic characteristic, d) – Damping characteristic of the shock absorber

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10. Fig. 9. Graphs of changes in the vertical load on the wheels of the virtual test bench

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11. Fig. 10. Movement of suspension elements under the action of loads in the following modes: а) – Diagonal hanging, b) – Lifting 30 ° with hanging the rear axle, c) – Descending 30 ° with hanging the rear axle, d) – Slope

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