Investigation of the environmental performance of a diesel engine when operating on multicomponent biofuel

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Local types of fuels occupy 33.6% in the fuel balance of the Kirov region. The share of consumption of local fuels in the region is one of the highest in Russia.

The Vyatka State University (VyatSU) in cooperation with the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy (BSAA) carry out the tests of the operation of automotive diesel engines on fuels with rapeseed oil (RO) and ethanol (E) additives, and spark internal combustion engines with generator gas (GG) additives. A new area of work of the scientific school is the study of the use of multicomponent compositions of biofuel compositions (MKBTK-15 and MKBTK-25). The use of such compositions as a fuel compensates some of their distinctive properties for further use in internal combustion engines without changing the design and adjustments.

The use of alternative fuels (AF) in internal combustion engines is a main topic for research. However, the use of any AF requires that the environmental indicators of the engine remain within acceptable limits. An important task is to determine the dependences of the emissions of toxic components on the load.

The use of MKBTK-15 and MKBTK-25 as AF for engines will improve the environmental situation in the region and reduce the need for commercial fuel. The operation of a diesel engine on multicomponent biofuel compositions makes it possible to reduce the smoke content of exhaust gases by 65% and 85%, the content of total nitrogen oxides remains at the same level or slightly decreases.

There is a slight increase in the content of carbon dioxide СО2 up to 22.3%, but the solutions to this problem are already known. One of the ways is to preserve and increase boreal forests, which have great potential for absorbing greenhouse gases.

About the authors

S. A. Plotnikov

Vyatka State University

Author for correspondence.

DSc in Engineering

Russian Federation, Kirov

D. G. Sergeyev

Vyatka State University


PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Kirov

M. V. Smol'nikov

Vyatka State University


PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Kirov

A. I. Shipin

Vyatka State University

Russian Federation, Kirov


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig.1. Environmental indicators of diesel engine 4CHN 11.0 / 12.5 at n = 1800 min-1

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3. Fig. 1.

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4. Fig. 1. (eng)

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5. Fig. 2. Load characteristics of the diesel engine 4ChN 11.0 / 12.5 at n = 1800 min-1

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6. Fig. 2

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7. Fig. 2 (eng)

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8. Fig. 3. Load characteristics of the diesel engine 4ChN 11,0×12.5 at n = 1400 min-1

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9. Fig. 3

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10. Fig. 3 (eng)

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11. Fig.4. Tractor power system for work on MKBTK

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Copyright (c) 2021 Plotnikov S.A., Sergeyev D.G., Smol'nikov M.V., Shipin A.I.

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