Increasing the efficiency and safety of operation of underground tunnel escalators. Management of risks

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The purpose of the article is to find mechanisms for ranking and arbitrating needs (a set of technical actions) sufficient to ensure the required level of reliability and safety of transportation of increasing passenger traffic. The object of the research is the escalator facilities, and the subject is the system of maintenance and repair. Scientific novelty is the use of information technologies containing a combination of mathematical tools that implement the necessary functionality for the digital transformation of the system of maintenance and repair of the escalator facilities of the underground. At the beginning of the article, the object of application, the goal and objectives of the concept of digital transformation, its architecture and functions, as well as implementation features are described. Further, the work focuses on maintaining the reliability and safety of transportation of passenger traffic as the main functions of the concept. Then there are presented the situations of risk (events) and a generalized model of their formation, revealing the cause-and-effect complex. After that, the tasks and the risk management process itself are shown. These are based on determining the magnitude of risk, which initial data are extracted from the information space containing electronic documents, including data on work (technical impacts), and the result is correlated with various scales. In addition, the mathematical apparatus of risk management includes matrices, which are used by decision support strategies. The mathematical apparatus described in the work implements a mechanism for ranking and arbitrating needs (a set of technical actions), which, in turn, is an integral part of the methodology for increasing the durability, reliability and safety of operation of escalators and associated infrastructure. The presented concept allows, in case of a shortage of resources, to form a complex of impacts for the most problematic elements, and to transfer the operation of escalator elements and related infrastructure facilities to a system according to the state that contributes to a reasonable increase in the assigned service life while maintaining sufficient safety levels. In conclusion, the expected practical results of the implementation of the concept are presented.

About the authors

V. A. Popov

Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Engineering

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

V. V. Yelantsev

Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Concept architecture

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3. Fig. 2. Reliability and safety characteristics

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4. Fig. 3. Risk situation formation model

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Copyright (c) 2021 Popov V.A., Yelantsev V.V.

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