Technical electrogenerating tools for road facilities: systematics and design specifics

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BACKGROUND: Currently the Russian Federation Government has a strong focus to roads safety. This is due to the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads». One of tools of pedestrian safety in an urban are road bumps. They are need for drivers speed slow.

Contrarily world scientists create alternative sources of electrical energy. It led to tools type as technical electrogenerating devices.

Whereas technical electrogenerating tools have big amount of developments by russian and world scientists. But in modern scientific literature there is no systematic concept about this tools type.

AIMS: The paper purpose is knowledge summary about technical electrogenerating tools and develop their classification.

METHODS: Energy of a moving car is accumulated and converted into electrical energy by devices type. Concept of technical electrogenerating tools is based on convertion of energy pulse of speed bump into electrical energy at the moment of car runover. This energy can be used for electricity supply of road infrastructure (crosswalk lighting, road sign ligtht, powering traffic lights).

RESULTS: The basic classification feature of these tools is device type converting moving car energy into electrical energy: piezoelectric, hydraulic, electromechanical. In turn technical electrogenerating tools with electromechanical converter are classified by criteria: amount of motor, type of transmission mechanism, design of pressing platform and type of generator.

CONCLUSIONS: The developed classification provides to systematize contributions of russian and world scientists designing devices of technical electrogenerating tools.

About the authors

Yuriy M. Lyashenko

Automobile and Road Construction Institut

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6553-0163
SPIN-code: 7361-3127

Dr. Sci. (Engin.), Professor of the Department of Transport Security and Road Infrastructure Management

Russian Federation, 1 pl. Lenina, Shakhty, Rostov Region, 346500

Alexey V. Prudiy

Automobile and Road Construction Institut

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0236-8821
SPIN-code: 5223-3876

Senior Lecturer Department of Transport Security and Road Infrastructure Management

Russian Federation, 1 pl. Lenina, Shakhty, Rostov Region, 346500


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Classification of technical means of road engineering in the form of a local artificial elevation (bump) on the roadway.

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3. Fig. 2. Road electrically generating bump: 1 – frame; 2 – platforms; 3 – transverse axes; 4 – hinge.

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4. Fig. 3. Road power plant: 1 – roadway made of flexible material; 2 – axes; 3 – support; 4 – basement; 5 – roller; 6 – stiffeners; 7 – bracket; 8 – stock; 9 – elastic element; 10 – reversible converter; 11 – electric generator; 12 – battery; 13 – stops-limiters; 14 – dampers; 15 – roadbed; 16 – tensioning device; 17 – thrust bearing.

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5. Fig. 4. Road power plant: a – construction diagram; b – axonometric view of comb; 1 – comb-shaped head; 2 – spring-loaded screw; 3 – nut; 4 – overrunning clutch; 5 – flywheel; 6 – spring; 7 – base; 8 – electric generator; 9 – slots for comb.

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6. Fig. 5. Piezoelectric device for converting energy of a moving car into electric energy: 1 – wheel; 2 – device body; 3 – shock bridge; 4 – shock-return mechanism; 5 – upper thrust bar, 6 – lower thrust bar; 7 – piezo element.

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7. Fig. 6. Hydraulic device for converting the energy of a moving car into electrical energy: 1 – elastic pipe; 2 – elastic layer of the road surface; 3 – spare tank; 4 – reservoirs of working fluid pressure accumulators; 5 – shut-off valves; 6 – control unit; 7 – converters of potential energy of working fluid; 8 – pipelines.

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8. Fig. 7. Electromechanical device for converting the energy of a moving car into electrical energy.

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9. Fig. 8. The design of the electric drive of technical power generating facilities: a) single engine; b) multi-engine.

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10. Fig. 9. Mechanical transmission device of technical electric generating equipment: a) in the form of gear transmission; b) in the form of kinematic pair “rocker-connecting rod”; 1 – pressure platform; 2 – spring-loaded rod; 3 – spring; 4 – rocker; 5 – connecting rod; 6 – drive shaft; 7 – overrunning clutch; 8 – flywheel; 9 – electric generator.

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11. Fig. 10. Pressure platform of the technical power generating facility: а) – prefabricated; b) – one-piece; 1 – energy consumer shaft; 2 – mobile platforms; 3 – hinge connection; 4 – platform support sides; 5 – roadway; 6 – bracket; 7 – transmission unit; 8 – load; 9 – cable; 10 – pusher; 11 – connecting rod; 12 – gear sector; 13 – ratchet mechanism with a drive gear; 14 – driven gear; 15 – drive gear of the consumer shaft; 16 – driven gear of the consumer shaft; 17 – reinforced concrete supports.

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12. Fig. 11. Classification of technical power generating facilities.

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