
Forms and Directions of Behavioral Supervision of the Bank of Russia: Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services
Litovko A.
Major Reforms of the Land Supervision
Zinnatullin A.
Formation of the Concept of «Medical Police» in the Russian Empire
Lukyanov S., Tarasova I.
Legal Problems of Digitalization of Prosecutorial Supervision over the Observance of Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms
Migunova T., Korolev A.
The Main Directions of Reforming the Police of the Russian Empire: a Brief Summary of the Proposals of the Commission of A.A. Makarov
Lobacheva L., Shurukhnov N.
Recidivism: determinants and preventive measures
Kumysheva M.
Prosecutorial Supervision Over the Implementation of Legislation in Terms of Timely Payment by Customers of Obligations Under State and Municipal Contracts
Bezsaliy O.
Historical and Legal Aspects of Prosecutor’s Supervision of Intelligence Activities in the Russian Federation
Maydykov A., Sarkisyan G.
«Cholera Riot» in St. Petersburg in 1831 and the Police: Who Is to Blame?
Kulikova S., Lukyanov S., Tarasova I.
Actual Problems of State and Municipal Control
Yushko A.
Research Perspectives on Legal Frameworks for State Control in Russia's Construction Sector
Bilyk V., Poslavsky D.
The State of Legality in the Field of Urban Planning and Measures to Increase the Effectiveness of Prosecutorial Supervision of the Implementation of Laws in This Area (Based on Materials from the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Dagestan)
Magomedov M.
The Control Over Paroled Convicts as a Type of State Control: Concept, Signs
Golovastova J., Pashkova E.
The Prosecutor's Demand to Eliminate Violations of Federal Legislation Committed During the Conduct of an Inquiry or Preliminary Investigation as a Guarantee of Strengthening the Rule of Law: Problems of Legal Regulation
Shigurova E.
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