
Peer-review semiannualy academic journal.




The need for such a publication as the journal "Bioethics" was realized at the beginning of the XXI century in connection with the following events:

  1. Adoption of the International Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Russia endorsed the Convention, but did not accede to it due to the lack of the ethical and legal framework in this area. It was necessary to create it.
  2. International contacts of researchers in the field of natural sciences and, above all, medicine, could not be carried out without sanctions from ethical committees. They have already begun to be created in Russia, but it was necessary to seriously improve the qualification of their members. Educational programs and a platform for the exchange of experience were needed.
  3. Since 2001, Bioethics has become an obligatory academic discipline in medical universities in Russia. There was no system for retraining and / or enhancing the staff of bioethics teachers in the country. It was necessary to develop a teaching and methodological base for them.\
  4. The introduction of new biotechnologies into the practice, first of all, medical ones, required research on the social risks associated with them. Ethical filters for the implementation of human enhancement technologies, the prediction of the negative effects of neurobiological constructs, editing the human genome, ART, the convergence of living and nonliving, regenerative medicine, etc.

- all this has become an urgent task, which only bioethics could solve.

Types of accepted articles

  • reviews
  • systematic reviews and metaanalyses
  • original research
  • letters to the editor
  • short communications


  • in English and Russian
  • semiannualy, 2 regular issues per year
  • continuously in Online First
  • with NO Article Processing Charges (APC) for all authors
  • distribution in Open Access,
    under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
    (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


  • Russian Science Citation Index
  • Google Scholar
  • Ulrich's Periodicals directory
  • WorldCat
  • Crossref


卷 17, 编号 1 (2024)


Discussion of the problems of modern bioethics at the III All-Russian Congress of Young Scientists (Sirius, November 28–30, 2023)
Sedova N.

The III All-Russian Congress of Young Scientists was held in Sirius in the autumn of 2023. The program of the Congress included the section «Scientific search and ethical and legal issues of research activities», which gathered a large number of participants. Interestingly, Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov, Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Valery Nikolaevich Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Albertovich Murashko, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Alexander Leonidovich Khokhdov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Council on Ethics of Clinical Research of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, took part in the work of the section. and others. It should be noted that academician A.L. Khokhlov in November 2023 He presented the position of the Russian scientific community on bioethics at the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference in Paris, thanks to which Russia resumed its membership in the Intergovernmental Committee on Bioethics of UNESCO. The moderator of the section was Maria Vladimirovna Vorontsova, a pediatric endocrinologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, member of the Academic Council of Moscow State University.

The moderator outlined the problem that the section was devoted to. It can be summarized as follows:

  1. All scientific research is governed by law and morality. The law acts unambiguously, and the need for an ethical assessment is always presented, especially in the scientific field, which has not yet received legal support
  2. An important issue, therefore, is the question of the ethical examination of scientific research. There are different types of research in modern biomedicine and, of course, modification of ethical examination procedures is necessary.

Here we will focus on the most important issues discussed at the section meeting.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Theoretical bioethics

Individual and personalized approach in bioethics: basic principles and recommendations
Wiegel N., Emiliano M.

Social medicine focuses on the social and economic aspects of health and related inequalities. It recognizes the importance of considering the sociobiological context of the patient when prescribing and providing health care.

In this understanding, a person in social medicine is considered as an individual who is in interaction with the environment, social living conditions, cultural factors, access to medical services, economic and political realities. It also includes understanding the patient's needs, expectations and preferences and how these may influence treatment decisions and subsequent recovery.This article discusses the topic of an individual and personalized approach in bioethics. The basic principles underlying an individual and personalized approach in bioethics include taking into account individual values and preferences of patients, ensuring their autonomy, attention to potential risks and affirming equity in access to personalized medicine. The authors identify the main principles and offer recommendations on the use of an individual and personalized approach in bioethics. An individual approach to planning and treatment includes taking into account the physiological, psychological, social and spiritual characteristics of the patient. It aims to create a treatment plan that, based on scientific evidence, best suits each patient's individual needs and goals. Ethical resolution of dilemmas and conflicts is an integral part of the individual approach. An open dialogue between the patient and members of the medical community, as well as adherence to the principles of justice, allows us to reach agreement and constructive solutions in difficult ethical situations.

Overall, an individualized and personalized approach to bioethics helps improve the quality of medical practice and meet the unique needs of each patient. It embraces and respects the identity and diversity of individual values and beliefs, helping to create a more equitable and humane health care system.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):7-12
pages 7-12 views
The meanings of the value of the dignity of human life and genoeugeni-zation
Siluyanova I.

Background: Among the areas of modern scientific and technological development, one of the leading places is occupied by new technologies of medical genetics: genetic editing of the human embryo genome (embryoengineering), medical genetic counseling, prenatal, neonatal, preconception diagnosis of hereditary diseases, technologies for the selection and selection of embryos, therapeutic and reproductive cloning human, etc. The question arises: how do genetic technologies and the development of genomic medicine affect changes in public and individual consciousness, and, above all, on the meaning of the meaning of the value and dignity of human life?

Aim: To consider the main results of the development of genomic medicine technologies, such as the increase in the detection of genetic diseases, the increasing need for eugenic abortions and the use of embryos in research, and the introduction of genetic testing.

Materials and methods: The historical and logical research method, as well as the historical and philosophical approach, allow the author to identify not only the ethical novelty of the geneticization of healthcare, but also a new form of social embodiment of the ideas of naturalistic-pragmatic ethics.

Results: The value-worldview understanding of the consequences of the development of genomic medicine technologies leads to the need to introduce the concept of «genoeugenization» as a characteristic of the moral meaning of processes occurring in society under the influence of new medical genetic practices.

Conclusion: The author substantiates the importance of the humanitarian-educational, legal and moral-philosophical level of knowledge for solving the problems of preserving the traditional moral value of the dignity of human life.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):13-18
pages 13-18 views
Approaches to moral bioenhancement in classical and liberal eugenics
Perova N., Glebova S.

Background: The general trend towards the moralization of society, associated both with attempts to overcome the state of social and political crises, and determined by the general tendency to accept the Other, determines the need to address issues of moral improvement of moral agents. At first glance, biological improvement seems more reliable, because in the future it is more stable and predictable. In this regard, it seems extremely important to turn to the tradition of eugenic discussions.

Aim: To analyze approaches to improving a moral agent using biological methods in domestic and world science.

Materials and methods: To achieve the goal of the work, materials from the Galton School of Eugenics, policy articles of the Russian Eugenics Society by N.K. were analyzed. Koltsov and the modern discourse of liberal eugenics.

Results: On the one hand, the biological improvement of a moral agent seems to be more predictable (in the case of relevant research) and more sustainable. On the other hand, history shows us the risks of this approach. The failure of classical eugenics, which degenerated in Europe into Nazi practices, and political decisions close to them in the USA seems obvious. Modern «liberal eugenics», in attempts to solve these problems, runs into the risks of discrimination.

Conclusion: For more than a century, moral bioenhancement scholars have failed to offer specific criteria for a moral agent. Based on the analysis of eugenic discourse, the article raises ethical questions, the answers to which must be given to the scientific community before conducting practical experiments.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):19-29
pages 19-29 views

Practical bioethics

Recipes for mastering professional competencies using neural networks
Serova I., Yagodina A., Gasainieva U.

Background: The inclusion of neural networks in the work of healthcare institutions and medical education is an urgent problem in bioethics – a discipline that develops issues of personal choice between benefit and harm, between good and evil, between the volume and quality of information processing. The introduction of neural networks into the practice of healing is inevitable and is "the most commonly used analytical tool". The pros and cons of digitalization of medicine are described in detail in the literature, such as acquiring a digital assistant for diagnosis, determining optimal treatment plans and monitoring the health status of patients.

Aim: to consider the possibility of improving clinical thinking in partnership with neural networks using the example of analyzing clinical situations.

Materials and methods: An analytical review of the literature on the problem of integrating artificial intelligence into medical practice was carried out. The empirical base is represented by materials from qualitative sociological research (case study method).

Results: Based on the analysis of cases, it is shown that the guidelines for writing out recipes for correcting errors are spelled out abstractly (the neural network is irresponsible, human intelligence must exceed the intelligence of the machine) and concretely (the initial answer of the neural network to the question posed is superficial and requires clarification using questions unexpected for the neural network specific configuration of terms not recognized by artificial intelligence as keywords). The risks of introducing artificial intelligence into the work of medical institutions have been identified: on the one hand, with a high degree of compliance of doctors to the recommendations of neural networks, the doctor is responsible for their errors, and the patient suffers, on the other hand, with a high degree of compliance of AI to user requests, training neural networks in dialogues is dangerous multiplication of dubious recommendations from undifferentiated/incompetent users. The doctor’s competence in dialogues training the neural network is invisible, unverified, and essentially virtual.

Conclusion: Based on the conducted research, the possibility of improving neural networks through their adaptation to regional paradigms of healing, to value systems that are based on the archetypes of domestic healthcare is shown.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):30-37
pages 30-37 views
International medical educational space in the context of digital civiliza-tion
Alshuk N., Abenavoli L., Batirov D.

A modern university is a place where meanings are created. These meanings are transmitted primarily through the university's website, through social networks, where the university is represented. To put it in marketing terms, it is through digital resources that the university is looking for clients-students. And this is where educational, scientific, and commercial interests intersect, which makes it fundamentally important to universalize ethical requirements for all participants in this process. At the same time, digital transformation is becoming an objective necessity for the development of education and the formation of a client base for the future, as well as for maintaining contacts with students' parents and graduates. And it is those universities that get involved in this process faster and better that will benefit. The university's website is the main resource where its meanings are broadcast and moral stories are objectified. Aim: to clarify the concept of digitalization of medical education as an international phenomenon regulated by general ethical and social requirements. To date, there is no universally accepted definition of such a concept as digitalization of medical education, since this term is a rather complex multifaceted phenomenon.

We are considering medical education, the possibility of obtaining it using digital technologies, analyzing the volume of built-in digital education, its feasibility and relevance. The website is the main resource of the university in terms of marketing, information, education and regulatory regulation of the entire learning process. Special requirements are imposed on its form and content in the situation of teaching medical students in a foreign language environment.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):44-50
pages 44-50 views
The influence of the author's content of students in social networks on the processes of promoting the brand of an educational organization
Trofimov D.

Background: The high level of competition in the educational services market in the Russian Federation is due to the large number of offers from public and private educational organizations of higher education. In accordance with current legislation, an applicant has the right to apply to several universities in the country at once and, as a rule, upon admission, gives preference to those whose brand is most famous. All this dictates the need to actively promote the brand of an educational organization using the capabilities of the mass media. At the same time, the budgets of regional educational organizations are often limited in the ability to conduct full-fledged advertising campaigns and do not provide funding for marketing activities to promote the university brand.

Aim: to determine the impact of students’ original content on social networks on the processes of promoting the brand of an educational organization.

Materials and methods: An analysis of modern open access literary sources on the problem of forming the image and promoting the brand of an educational organization, as well as a content analysis of publications in social networks and the media, was carried out. The empirical basis of the study consisted of materials from a sociological study carried out using Googleforms, N = 520, average age (22.2 ± 2.37). The author's questionnaire underwent sociological and ethical examination; the norms of confidentiality and autonomy were observed in relation to the respondents. Mathematical data processing was carried out using variation statistics methods using the Excel for Windows Statistica 21.0 application package.

Results: In just one month, students published 25 gaming videos on their personal pages for Russian Student Day. Each of them received from 2 to 20 thousand impressions during the competition. Students accompanied their publications with the hashtags specified in the competition conditions, which made it possible to systematize the posted material, and when searching for information about the university on a social network, quickly find the necessary content.

Conclusion: It has been shown that systematization in the collection, planning, and dissemination of information contributes to the rapid promotion of a positive image in the external and internal environment due to the displacement of negative information reasons from the agenda, provides the ability to manage information flows, and minimizes information risks.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):51-55
pages 51-55 views
Artificial intelligence in medicine: ethical problems of communication between a doctor and a patient
Kochetova Y.

A serious challenge to the patient-oriented model of interaction between doctor and patient is posed by objective circumstances: the constantly increasing number of patients and rising healthcare costs and, therefore, the inability to provide the attention and care necessary for the patient. A likely response to the emerging "crisis of care" in medicine appears to be the use of digital technologies in clinical practice and healthcare organization. In particular, one of the possible options for using the potential of digital technologies in medicine is artificial intelligence systems (hereinafter referred to as AI).The article is devoted to the peculiarities of communication between a doctor and patients in the conditions of using artificial intelligence in clinical practice. The author identifies both the prospects for the introduction of artificial intelligence and difficulties in the process of communication between a doctor and a patient. The purpose of the article is to analyze the mechanism of influence of artificial intelligence on the process of communication between a doctor and a patient, to assess the impact of digital technologies on the basic values that develop in the process of clinical communication – respect for patient autonomy, trust, confidentiality. The main expected positive consequence of the use of AI in medicine is the freeing up of time for direct communication with the patient. However, there is a risk that it will be used to increase patient flow, especially in the commercial medical sector. It is concluded that, despite the widespread use of digital technologies, society remains wary of such innovations, especially when it concerns personal data. As a result, the level of trust and willingness to use AI systems is low. When introducing AI, it is necessary to take into account the feasibility and appropriateness of using these technologies in the provision of medical care, since, along with the effectiveness and accuracy of diagnostic results and treatment, the process of communication with a doctor remains extremely important for the patient, the opportunity to share their medical history and, during this communication, form trust necessary for joint decision-making.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):38-43
pages 38-43 views

Applied Bioethics

Open bioethical problems of modern transplantology (in the social as-sessments of future specialists)
Svetlichnaya T., Smirnova E.

Background: At all times, moral principles and ethical standards have been the main instrument for regulating both the behavior of an individual and social consciousness as a whole. However, in modern society, the spread of cruelty and crime is becoming the norm. In such a situation, the moral qualities of the doctor become important, who must make decisions in conditions bordering between life and death.

Aim: to study social assessments of open bioethical problems of modern transplantology by future specialists.

Materials and methods: The cities of Arkhangelsk and Cherepovets served as the basis for the study. The collection of material was carried out in February-March 2023. The sample is complete (n = 436). The main group consisted of students of the Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk) (n = 103). The comparison group consisted of: 1) students of Cherepovets State University (n = 211): humanitarian (n = 102), technical (n = 109) areas and 2) secondary vocational education (n = 122): medical (n = 86) and pedagogical (n = 36) college.

Results: Half (43.6 %) of students, regardless of the direction of preparation for organ transplantation, have a positive attitude, perceiving this technology as “a step forward in medicine” (59.6; 95 % CI 55.0–64.1). Every third (37.8 %) is neutral, believing that organ transplantation is permissible only as a last resort (26.8 %; 95 % CI 22.9–31.2). Only 3.7 % have a negative attitude, considering organ transplantation to be unnatural to human nature (1.8 %; 95 % CI), leading to human trafficking (3.2 %; 95 % CI 1.9–5.3). Students of a medical college (90,8 %) are ten times more likely than students of a pedagogical college (9.2 %) to evaluate transplantation more loyally. They are less likely to choose neutral (40.5 % vs. 59.5 %, respectively) and negative (40 % vs. 60 %, respectively) assessments. At the same time, medical college students are twice as likely (66.7 % versus 33.3 %, respectively) to have no opinion on this issue at all.

Conclusion: Possible factors in the formation of bioethical ideas are shown based on an analysis of the personal characteristics of future specialists: demographic, social, psychological, spiritual.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):56-66
pages 56-66 views
Ethics of psychological care in the regional service "112" (based on the material of the Volgograd region)
Smirnov V., Delaryu V.

In recent years, the Russian Federation has seen the institutionalization of various forms of providing emergency psychological assistance to the population; The Volgograd region is no exception. Thus, in January 2021, on the basis of the State Treasury Institution of the Volgograd Region under the Committee for Ensuring the Life Safety of the Population of the Volgograd Region, within the framework of the "Control and Communications Center", a unified psychological service for emergency operational calls was created to provide emergency psychological assistance and support to residents of the Volgograd Region "112". Assistance is provided in a distant format between applicants/consumers of psychological services and dispatcher psychologists (DP) of the institution; it is available around the clock and does not require a SIM card or funds in the subscriber’s account. The work is carried out using and adapting modern psychological technologies of various directions to resolve the requests of applicants/consumers. A number of ethical problems in providing emergency psychological assistance and support to residents of the Volgograd region by aoperator-psychologist of the unified psychological service for emergency operational calls "112" (to applicants who are intoxicated, parasuicides and suicide victims, employees of the service itself, etc.) are highlighted. It is shown that the identified problems arise from the general problem field of bioethics (situations that are not clearly regulated in the legal field) and a conclusion is made about the expediency based on the agreed position of the organizers of emergency psychological assistance representing various departments, psychologists, lawyers, and specialists in the field of bioethics detailing the legal support for this institutionalized social practice. In principle, the above ethical problems arise from the general problem field of bioethics: situations that are not clearly regulated in the legal field. In this regard, it seems appropriate, based on the agreed position of the organizers of the implementation of emergency psychological assistance, psychologists, lawyers, and specialists in the field of bioethics representing various departments, to detail the legal support for this institutionalized social practice.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):67-70
pages 67-70 views
Ethics – war – medicine: a scientific portrait of the problem in modern publications
Filippov A., Soloviev N.

Background: The search for the meaning of war, the justification of violence, the acceptance of guilt and other moral problems worried Russian thinkers of the 19th century. Russian religious philosophy considers morally justified only war in defense of the highest spiritual shrines, which I.A. Ilyin, N.A. Berdyaev, L.P. Karsavin, A.A. Kersnovsky and others call the defense of the homeland, life and peace.

Aim: To assess research interest in the problems of ethics of war, ethics of military medicine, biomedical ethics in the intellectual field of open databases of scientific publications and offer a predictive plot of this scientific direction.

Materials and methods: A comparative analysis of open databases of scientific publications RSCI, NEB, CyberLeninka was carried out. The study of literature sources in the problem field under consideration made it possible to determine the directions of the research search using vectors – keywords "ethics", "war", "military medicine". Publications from the open CyberLeninka database were used and analyzed as a model scientific network database. Quantitative (number of publications) and qualitative (annotations) indicators were studied. To identify attitudes towards the ethical problems of war, a sociological survey of medical university students was conducted, N = 154, average age of respondents (19.2 ± 1.9) years. Standards of confidentiality and autonomy were respected for respondents.

Results: An analysis of the distribution of scientific publications by area of the international OECD classifier demonstrates the interest of researchers in the problem field of "Philosophy, ethics, religious studies" in 2020–2024. In all search options (using the keywords "War and Ethics", "War and Medicine", "Military Medicine") there are a larger number of publications in this area than in other social or sociological sciences. In the search query "war and ethics", there were 2 times more such publications than others. A pilot survey of future doctors confirms the interdisciplinary connection between the ethics of war and medicine.

Conclusion: The study demonstrates modern scientific interest in the ethics of war when studying problems related to war and military medicine. It would be of interest to conduct a more detailed study of the relationship between the ethics of war and medical ethics (bioethics) as an element of the ethical training of future doctors for professional activities in extreme conditions of peace and war.

Bioethics. 2024;17(1):71-76
pages 71-76 views
